Luigi's Mansion Any% (No OoB) Tournament
Match Submission Form
Select YOUR NAME from the list:
akane | Twitch = akane174 | Discord = akaner
anmaku0731 | Twitch = anmaku0731 | Discord = anmaku0731
anthonyhmtnj | Twitch = anthonyhmtnj | Discord = anthonyhmtnj
Bliss | Twitch = BlissElh | Discord = blisselh
BlissElh | Twitch = BlissElh | Discord = blisselh
Bluehits | Twitch = luBethis | Discord = bluehits
Bromario28 | Twitch = Bromario28 | Discord = iamlefri
ChillWizard | Twitch = ChillWizard | Discord = chillwizard
Crazy_8_The_Ace | Twitch = Crazy_8_The_Ace | Discord = crazy_8_the_ace
crazytonedog | Twitch = crazytonedog | Discord = crazytonedog
Dip | Twitch = Dip92 | Discord = dip92
ElectricMiles | Twitch = ElectricMiles | Discord = electricmiles
Elite_Spud | Twitch = Elite_Spud | Discord = Spud#6686
Elite_Spud | Twitch = elite_spud | Discord = elite_spud
ExoticChaotic | Twitch = ExoticChaotic | Discord = ?
Ferro | Twitch = Ferro414 | Discord = ferro414
Flauke | Twitch = Flauke | Discord = flauke
gary01 | Twitch = gary01_ | Discord = gary01_
GlitchPhD | Twitch = GlitchPhD | Discord = glitchphd
GloomyVicious | Twitch = GloomyVicious | Discord = ?
HDlax | Twitch = HDlax1 | Discord = hdlax
HDlax | Twitch = HDlax1 | Discord = hdlax
HopelessImanity | Twitch = HopelessImanity | Discord = hopelessimanity
HTDelta | Twitch = HTDelta | Discord = htdelta
jayj00 | Twitch = jayj00 | Discord = jayj00
Jman__Games | Twitch = Jman__Games | Discord = jman__games
Jovin | Twitch = jovin4 | Discord = jovin4
Kaii | Twitch = KaiiRunz | Discord = kaiirunz1
keiAytea | Twitch = keiAytea | Discord = keiAytea #3307
Len | Twitch = lenagain | Discord = ?
LethalBoar | Twitch = LethalBoar923 | Discord = ?
MakS54 | Twitch = MakS54 | Discord = maks5_4
marko_3488 | Twitch = marko_3488 | Discord = marko_3488
MegaLightning | Twitch = MegaLightning | Discord = megalightning
MrAfroman20 | Twitch = MrAfroman20 | Discord = mrafroman20
nuliil | Twitch = nuliil | Discord = nuliil
Pablo | Twitch = PabloRuns | Discord = pabloruns
Red | Twitch = RedsMSR | Discord = redsmsr
Skozzy | Twitch = Skozzy | Discord = skozzy
Splazergames | Twitch = Splazergames | Discord = splazer
thatkidkim | Twitch = daniel_dimpledrops | Discord = ?
thatkidkim | Twitch = daniel_dimpledrops | Discord = thatkidkim
Variapog | Twitch = Variapog | Discord = variajpg
Yosher | Twitch = YosherLM | Discord = yosherlm
Zero_Status | Twitch = zer00status | Discord = zero_status
Not on the list? Info is wrong? Enter your info here instead:
Discord Username
(Discord usernames are all lowercase and only have a-z, 0-9, . and _)
Display Name
(How it should appear on the stream layout, including capitalization. Leave blank if it's the same as "Discord Username" .)
Twitch Name
(Leave blank if it's the same as "Display name")
Select YOUR OPPONENT's name from the list:
akane | Twitch = akane174 | Discord = akaner
anmaku0731 | Twitch = anmaku0731 | Discord = anmaku0731
anthonyhmtnj | Twitch = anthonyhmtnj | Discord = anthonyhmtnj
Bliss | Twitch = BlissElh | Discord = blisselh
BlissElh | Twitch = BlissElh | Discord = blisselh
Bluehits | Twitch = luBethis | Discord = bluehits
Bromario28 | Twitch = Bromario28 | Discord = iamlefri
ChillWizard | Twitch = ChillWizard | Discord = chillwizard
Crazy_8_The_Ace | Twitch = Crazy_8_The_Ace | Discord = crazy_8_the_ace
crazytonedog | Twitch = crazytonedog | Discord = crazytonedog
Dip | Twitch = Dip92 | Discord = dip92
ElectricMiles | Twitch = ElectricMiles | Discord = electricmiles
Elite_Spud | Twitch = Elite_Spud | Discord = Spud#6686
Elite_Spud | Twitch = elite_spud | Discord = elite_spud
ExoticChaotic | Twitch = ExoticChaotic | Discord = ?
Ferro | Twitch = Ferro414 | Discord = ferro414
Flauke | Twitch = Flauke | Discord = flauke
gary01 | Twitch = gary01_ | Discord = gary01_
GlitchPhD | Twitch = GlitchPhD | Discord = glitchphd
GloomyVicious | Twitch = GloomyVicious | Discord = ?
HDlax | Twitch = HDlax1 | Discord = hdlax
HDlax | Twitch = HDlax1 | Discord = hdlax
HopelessImanity | Twitch = HopelessImanity | Discord = hopelessimanity
HTDelta | Twitch = HTDelta | Discord = htdelta
jayj00 | Twitch = jayj00 | Discord = jayj00
Jman__Games | Twitch = Jman__Games | Discord = jman__games
Jovin | Twitch = jovin4 | Discord = jovin4
Kaii | Twitch = KaiiRunz | Discord = kaiirunz1
keiAytea | Twitch = keiAytea | Discord = keiAytea #3307
Len | Twitch = lenagain | Discord = ?
LethalBoar | Twitch = LethalBoar923 | Discord = ?
MakS54 | Twitch = MakS54 | Discord = maks5_4
marko_3488 | Twitch = marko_3488 | Discord = marko_3488
MegaLightning | Twitch = MegaLightning | Discord = megalightning
MrAfroman20 | Twitch = MrAfroman20 | Discord = mrafroman20
nuliil | Twitch = nuliil | Discord = nuliil
Pablo | Twitch = PabloRuns | Discord = pabloruns
Red | Twitch = RedsMSR | Discord = redsmsr
Skozzy | Twitch = Skozzy | Discord = skozzy
Splazergames | Twitch = Splazergames | Discord = splazer
thatkidkim | Twitch = daniel_dimpledrops | Discord = ?
thatkidkim | Twitch = daniel_dimpledrops | Discord = thatkidkim
Variapog | Twitch = Variapog | Discord = variajpg
Yosher | Twitch = YosherLM | Discord = yosherlm
Zero_Status | Twitch = zer00status | Discord = zero_status
Not on the list? Enter your opponent's name here:
Opponent's Name, Discord Username, or Twitch Name (enter any one)
WHAT DAY are you playing?
WHAT TIME are you playing?
Which TIME ZONE? (leave blank for Eastern Time (EST/EDT))
Notes, comments, or special instructions: